Congratulations and Thank You for buying a license of All-About-PDF!!
In order to generate your All-About-PDF license key, you will need to send us your computer’s unique fingerprint by following the steps below:
First, go to the three dots (hotdog menu) in the top-right corner of the application’s main Window and then select “About”
Select “About” from the hotdog menu
From the About screen, select the contents of the “Machine Fingerprint” field and right-click to Copy it. Send this fingerprint to us at or by using the contact form.
Copy the fingerprint and send it to us.
Once we receive your unique fingerprint, we will generate your license code and send it back to you. To apply it, re-open the About screen above, paste the license code in and then hit the Apply button. You will need to restart the application for the license to take effect.