Merge PDF Files

how to merge multiple PDF files into a single file


In order to merge PDF files together into a single file, you just need to follow the easy steps below:

  1. Click the “Merge” button to begin PDF merging process

  2. Select one or more PDF documents that you would like to combine together. You need at least 2 PDF documents

  3. You PDF Merging screen will open and you can re-arrange the order of the PDF documents as well as add more files if needed

  4. If you check the option to “Add a table of contents page…”, All-About-PDF will automatically create a table of contents page with links that will take the reader to the relevant pages when clicked

  5. Hit the “Merge” button when you are ready to merge the PDF files together

  6. Select the folder and provide a name of where you would like to have the merged document to be saved

  7. Watch with bated anticipation as All-About-PDF does its thing and merges all your PDF files into a single file.