One thing we value above all else at All-About-PDF is the satisfaction of our users and customers. We are always requesting and listening to feedback to make sure that our product continues to provide the best user experience and value.
To track this, we put the independent metric - Net Promoter Score (NPS) - in place. Our customers are asked
"How likely are you to recommend All-About-PDF to a friend or colleague on a scale of 0 to 10?"
High scoring respondents (a score of 9 or 10) are our Promoters, those scoring us 7 or 8 are Passive, and the lower scoring ones (0 to 6) are our Detractors. Our goal is to make all our users Promoters!
As Net Promoter Score is a customer satisfaction metric, it measures the propensity of customers to recommend All-About-PDF to others. An NPS score higher than zero is said to be good, a score 30 or over is excellent, and anything over 50 as world-class. Given that the average score for companies in the technology/software sector is +32, we are proud that All-About-PDF scored +63!
We could not have achieved this rating without our amazing team here at All-About-PDF and we are extremely proud of the work that everyone puts in and the dedication we show to our customers.
So, a big thank you to the team but an even bigger thank you to our customers who have given us such wonderful feedback like:
“You are already doing a fantastic job with the software and the fast support and the most important of all : You are always open to suggestions . You are the first software developer that implements features that I needed . Hope your service for this tool will stay open for many years from now on.”
“It just works perfectly and the support from the All-About-PDF team is excellent.”
“Amazing support team, specially the agent on Facebook is doing great job and fully cooperative and friendly.”
If you haven’t yet tried out All-About-PDF, we would love to win you over as one of our Promoters. Get started by downloading All-About-PDF today!